Depending on the requirements, a variety of different types are available.
The basic factors to consider when selecting a slide are:
- Drawer width or door size – all products specify a maximum dimension for drawer width or door size. This is an important factor when selecting a slide.
- Load rating – each product specifies the weight that it will carry. Load rating is based on testing done with an 18″ length slide. Be sure to review the technical sheet for the products you are considering for specific load rating capabilities.
- Length required – the depth of your drawer determines the slide length. As a rule, always use the maximum length allowable in the application.
- Side space available – the amount of space a particular slide requires between the side of the drawer and side of the cabinet.
The fundamental principles behind Accuride slides are well thought-out design, the use of good engineering materials, sound manufacturing techniques and procedures coupled with constant testing and quality controls, all with a desire to produce something that will perform to high standards and last for a lifetime.
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